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reservoir capacity中文是什么意思

用"reservoir capacity"造句"reservoir capacity"怎么读"reservoir capacity" in a sentence


  • 产能系数
  • 水库容量
  • 油箱容量
  • 贮罐容量
  • 贮水量


  • Effect of tributary reservoir capacity on flood risk in protected area
  • Application of differential global positioning system in reservoir capacity measurement at hydropower station
  • Reservoir capacity of cambrian carbonate of foreslope facies in danzhai and sandu , eastern guizhou
  • Imagine if a seismic sensor instrument or water fracs for measuring oil reservoir capacity could be dynamically controlled and refined with on - demand grid technologies
  • The sediment problems of this project in design is that the deposition of sediment causing the permanent loss of reservoir capacity . the measure of enlarging the discharging of water and sediment can reduce deposition , but the concentration of sediment is bigger and much sediment passes through the pump - turbines
  • For studying the regulation rules of the sediment of the second phase project , and studying the reservoir capacity loss caused by deposition , the amount of sediment passing through the turbines , and the deposition and flow regime near the intake of the pump - turbines , the deposition of the reservoir was studied
  • So according to the technology regulation of reclamation engineering , hydraulic calculation must be carried out in the design of final closure . this paper firstly introduces the progression and present situation of reclamation engineering , emphasizing on the features of present reclamation and on the experiences and theories of home and abroad ; using fortran perfects the hydraulic calculation program of the closure and makes the program to meet different conditions ( such as considering flood , the variation of time interval , multi - entrance , multi - reservoir capacity ) , and after comparing and analyzing a great deal of schemes , the reasonable computation scheme was brought up ; the interface of the program was carried out by the programming language vb to make the process of calculation become easier and more distinct , so the result can be analyzed and handled more directly ; vb is used in the later management of the result to plot the graphic chart of the isoline of the maximum of hydraulic element ( the velocity of flow , the drop height and the rate of flow ) automatically ; finally it was applied in the reclamation project of dongbidao of fuqing
  • Preliminary studies suggest that the mutual relations of the security , economic and risk should be adjusted and made into organic unity during determination of design flood standards for construction , the concepts on the cascade exploitation of the river should be transferred from flood control to flood management , the design flood standards for construction at the initial , middle and later stages of high dam projects should be driven up gradually according to reservoir capacity
  • The power station is diversion type power station of low gate dam with a normal storage level of 1268 . 0 m , a highest gate dam level of 31 meters and a reservoir capacity of 2 , 974 , 000 cubic meters , the length of diversion tunnel of which is 19 . 57 kilometers , installed capacity is 360mw futang power station is constructed on the basis of deep and thick overburden , the foundation of which mainly consist of five overburdens which , in general , belong to multiple , complex foundation
    福堂水电站位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州汶川县境内的岷江河段上,电站为低闸引水式开发。正常蓄水位1268 . 0m ,最大闸高31m ,库容297 . 4万m ~ 3 ,引水隧洞长19 . 57km ,装机360mw 。福堂水电站闸坝建于深厚覆盖层基础上,基础主要存在五大覆盖层,总体属于多层复杂地基。
  • Gaobazhou water conservancy project is the most downstream hydropower station in the 3 cascade development qingjiang mainstream , total installed capacity 252mw , total reservoir capacity 430 million - m3 , maximum dam height 57m , length of dam axis 439 . 5m , total static investment rmb 623 . 48 million ( 1998 price )
    高坝洲水利枢纽是清江流域三级水电站的最下游一级水电站,电站总装机容量252mw ,总库容4 . 3亿m ~ 3 ,最大坝高57m ,坝轴线长439 . 5m ,静态总投资( 1988年价格) 62348万元。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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